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Hey Moms and Dads,

You’ll never believe my little parenting mishap today.

I’ve got a toddler who loves to help me cook. Well today we were cooking squash together. As I cut the squash, she begged me for a bite. She kept pointing and saying “Foof!” (her best attempt at “food”).

The first time she asked, I told her “It’s not yummy until after it’s cooked.” But she kept asking. And so finally, I gave her a piece of raw squash. She immediately spit it out. I laughed and told her that it would taste much better after it was cooked.

Well…. we cooked it. And I tried to get her to eat it. But she remembered how gross the raw squash tasted and refused to try it. Hahaha.

Seriously, as if

Keep smiling!


Mrs. S


Sneak Peak- Check out my latest blog post, published 11/29!

Does your child struggle to understand time? Here’s a great resource! Check out my latest blog post: Helping Your Toddler Understand Time- Less than $20 DIY Resource for Parents


Look forward to my next post! Coming Monday!

Topic- Parents who work together- Inspirational Stories!

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